Little practical tips! Do you know the easiest way to deal with...?

Source: Internet and "Journal za Zenata" Magazine

After looking at how to make the right choice of household appliances, cleaning, and the kitchen, we are now moving on to something equally practical – little tricks for everyday life. In this post from the series "Grandma Did It Like This! Little Practical Tips" - "Do You Know How to Easily Deal with...?" I will share useful tips that will help you make some of the most annoying tasks at home easier – from ironing and maintaining oak furniture, to dealing with moths and maintaining scissors. The tips are random and do not follow a specific order, so everyone can find something useful for themselves! They have been collected from various sources.

Ironing .

If you have burned woolen fabric, you can save it by applying a mixture of baking soda and water to the burned area. Once it dries, carefully brush the area.

The combs.

They will be easier to clean if they are immersed in lukewarm water with 3 tablespoons of bleach and 3 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in it.

The clothes are two-piece.

It's a good idea to wash them together. This way they will bleach evenly, shrink, and stretch evenly.

The oak furniture.

Restore their freshness and color by washing them with lukewarm beer. Then dry and polish with a piece of linen cloth.

The labels from jars and bottles.

To easily remove them from jars, bottles, and plastic boxes, rub them with baby oil.

The key to the cupboard.

If it gets stuck, it should be cleaned with soapy water and rubbed with wax.


You will get rid of them if you plant a few tomato plants on the balcony.

The kitchen.

It will smell good if we roast a few dried juniper berries in the oven.

The dishwasher.

The containers in it must be sorted. The other condition that must be observed is not to fill it all the way.

The moths.

To prevent them from attacking the clothes in the wardrobe, it is enough to collect some chestnuts and place them near it.


They won't land on the mirrors and windows of your home if you scrub the glass surfaces with vinegar.

The new shoes.

If they are tight, before putting on shoes, rub them with a cotton rag soaked in rubbing alcohol.

The scissors.

They are sharpened by cutting sandpaper with them. It is enough to make 15-20 cuts to make them sharp again.

Polishing furniture.

Instead of a cleanser, you can use a sunscreen. The same effect is achieved.

The cheese.

Before putting it in the refrigerator, it's a good idea to wrap it in foil. It dries out in regular paper.

The bread.

It will not go moldy easily if a lump of sugar is placed in the box it is kept in. Dry, stale bread will soften if it is steamed for a few minutes on the steaming mat in the pot.

I hope these little tips will help you in your daily life and make household chores easier and more enjoyable. The next post will be dedicated to something we all use daily – products and their contents. We will look at the benefits of foods such as bananas, tomatoes, onions, walnuts and others. Stay with us for more useful information that can help you choose healthy and delicious foods for your table!


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